Pre Planning

Pre planning can save substantial amounts of money for your family.  With us you can expect almost a 50% savings in your costs.  While money is a big reason to pre plan, it is not the only reason…

      No one wants to think about the time when he or she dies. However, if you do not make arrangements ahead of time, someone else will decide where you will be buried and how much of your estate will be spent. This person will most likely be a grieving member of your immediate family, and most people in this situation overspend, mistakenly equating a higher cost with greater love for the departed. By acting now, you can lighten your family’s burden when that time comes. Pre-planning your cemetery arrangements – with your head and not your heart – is an act of love that provides several financial and emotional benefits to your family, not to mention your own satisfaction in knowing that your wishes will be carried out to your personal specifications.


We recommend that a husband and wife share their feelings and decide on their final arrangements together. This saves your loved ones heartache, expense and inconvenience at the time of your passing. Besides, we would rather see the both of you now rather than later when the inevitable forces one of you to see us alone on the worst day of your life!


All family members can participate in the family’s cemetery arrangements. For example, your children may want to be buried near you. Pre-planning guarantees everyone’s satisfaction.


Based on the last five decades, we know cemetery expenses will continue to increase. Pre-arrangement allows you to freeze these costs at today’s prices.

Conserves Insurance

Life insurance is for the living, not the deceased. It helps your family adjust to the loss of income that a death causes. If pre-need arrangements are not made, your family will be forced to spend a significantly larger amount of your life insurance proceeds on cemetery arrangements.


Cremation or burial costs are expenses every family must pay. You can meet these needs today out of your current income through budget payments. Payment for cemetery arrangements made at the time of a death are traditionally made in cash prior to internment.

Peace of Mind

When a death occurs in any family or among friends, the grief is tremendous and the healing time is very long. Pre-arranging cemetery property will ease your familys burden. Your family will know that your wishes have been carried out, and there will be no second-guessing. This peace of mind is worth far more than the dollars spent.

The following excerpts are from a report entitled A Study of American Attitudes Toward Ritualization and Memorialization. Wirthlin Worldwide conducted the survey.

“Not a bad idea”, say most Americans. In fact, over eight out of ten (84%) of those interviewed for the survey, believe pre-arranging for the details of their own funeral is a good idea, and 40% say they are likely to do so within the next five years. The survey found, not surprisingly, that people who have had past experience arranging memorial services for a relative or friend are more likely than others to pre-arrange details of their own burial or funeral.”

“What we are seeing is more and more people of the baby boom generation who are planning ahead in all aspects of their lives”, said Dr. Dee Allsopi who directed the study. “Just as people are starting earlier to save money for retirement, they also are thinking more about things like prearranging funerals and burials.”